Hit and Run

Hit and Run

The recently enacted rule stiffens penalties for hit-and-run occurrences, even for private car owners, with a maximum sentence of 10 years in prison and a fine of Rs 7 lakh. Truck drivers in India are protesting the controversial new hit-and-run law across the country. The regulation was passed under the Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita, which replaced the Indian Penal Code. The large-scale protests call attention to the dissatisfaction and resistance that exist within the trucking industry and push for a review of the law.

New Law: Hit and Run

The most recent hit-and-run law in India, known as the Bharatiya Nyay Sanhita, punishes drivers who leave accident scenes with harsher punishments. The law stipulates that anyone who flees the scene of a hit-and-run incident faces a maximum sentence of 10 years in prison and a fine of ₹7 lakh.

This law aims to lessen the appalling yearly toll of about 50,000 lives caused by hit-and-run instances in India by extending its reach to private car owners.

When considering the new law’s penalties for hit-and-run offences, they constitute a major increase above the previous ones specified in the Indian Penal Code. The amended penalties now carry a maximum 10-year prison term and a ₹7 lakh fine.

Why is there a new hit and run law?

HIt and Run

The urgent problem of hit-and-run accidents and their consequences is addressed by the implementation of the new hit-and-run law in India, which is a component of the Bharatiya Nyay Sanhita. The following are the main reasons this legislation is being implemented:

  1. Decrease Hit-and-Run Cases: The main goal of the new rule is to decrease the number of hit-and-run incidents, which account for about 50,000 fatalities in India each year.
  2. Boost Accountability: The law imposes harsher penalties, such as a ₹7 lakh fine and a maximum of 10 years in prison, to make drivers implicated in hit-and-run instances more accountable.
  3. Revision of the Legal Framework: The new law brings about extensive modifications to the criminal justice system, including alterations to the Criminal Procedure Code (CrPC) and the Indian Penal Code (IPC), which was enacted during the British colonial era.
  4. Empower Victims: In an effort to provide a more fair legal system for individuals affected by hit-and-run incidents, victims now have the ability to testify during court proceedings.
  5. Encourage Road Safety: The law aims to encourage road safety and deter irresponsible driving by toughening up the penalty for hit-and-run incidents.

Will the new hit and run law be repealed by the government?

According to the most recent information, the government of India has not made any announcement about the repeal of the recently passed hit-and-run legislation. The rule, which was introduced under the Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita, aims to address the serious problem of hit-and-run incidents by punishing drivers who escape the scene with up to 10 years in prison and a fine of ₹7 lakh.

The government emphasises that the law’s main goal is to lessen the startling number of hit-and-run incidents, which result in about 50,000 fatalities in India each year. There have been demonstrations and resistance to the law, especially from truck drivers, but the government has not made any formal pronouncement regarding reevaluating or repealing the law.

The administration has not given any signs that it may retract any provisions, despite the All India Motor Transport Congress’s objections and calls for their recall. In conclusion, as of the most recent information available, India’s new hit-and-run law is still in force and the government has not indicated that it would soon be repealed.

Also Read About : Protest Against Hit And Run law

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